Jobst Elvarex Handpiece (Gauntlet)

Jobst Elvarex Handpiece (Gauntlet)
Jobst Elvarex Handpiece Gauntlet Image Jobst Elvarex Handpiece Gauntlet Sizing Chart
SKU J76091-01/J76091-23
Price: AUD 247.28

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Features of the Jobst Elvarex Handpiece (Gauntlet)

  • Jobst Elvarex garments feature a special low-stretch, 'double-knit' fabric, which exerts a light massaging effect on the initial lyphatics, and minimises re-oedematisation
  • The high cotton content, flat knit construction and short stretch thread, means that Jobst Elvarex products provide a good anatomical fit, are relatively easy to put on, and comfortable to wear
  • Also available is the Jobst Elvarex Armsleeve, which comes with a plain top, shoulder strap, or bra attachment