Oppo 1489 Tennis/Golf Elbow Strap With Silicone Pad

Oppo 1489 Tennis/Golf Elbow Strap With Silicone Pad
Oppo 1489 Tennis/Golf Elbow Strap With Silicone Pad image Oppo 1489 Tennis/Golf Elbow Strap With Silicone Pad sizing chart
Price: AUD 34.21

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Features of Oppo 1489 Tennis/Golf Elbow Strap With Silicone Pad

  • Silicone pad provides compression to help relieve tennis elbow pain and discomfort
  • Helps the body quickly reabsorb edema and hematoma
  • Relieves strain on the periarticular tissues and compresses the soft tissue


  • Tennis Elbow
  • Golfer's Elbow

Oppo 1489 Tennis/Golf Elbow Strap With Silicone Pad