Oppo 2331 Polycentric Knee Stabilizer

Oppo 2331 Polycentric Knee Stabilizer
Oppo 2331 Polycentric Knee Stabilizer image Oppo 2331 Polycentric Knee Stabilizer sizing chart
Price: AUD 160.60

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Features of the Oppo 2331 Polycentric Knee Stabilizer

  • The adjustable hinge conforms to the body contour & can be used to restrict range of movement with the progress of treatment. The exion angle of the knee can be limited to 30°, 60°, 90° & limits at 20° extension angle to prevent fully extension
  • Four reinforced inelastic straps on the upper & lower leg combine with the adjustable hinges providing custom t, reinforcing the stability of the support
  • Multi-function silicone pad helps maintain proper patella position and offers moderate compression around patella to reduce swelling and irritation
  • 3D energizing pattern stimulates sensory inputs to facilitate joint stabilization.
  • Elasticated zones offer freedom of movement with ideal coverage


  • Knee instability
  • Postoperative range of motion limitation

Oppo 2331 Polycentric Knee Stabilizer