ExoStrong™ is our new line of off-the-shelf, flat-knit, gradient compression garments. Not only are they soft and durable, but they also provide maximum containment and cost a fraction of custom lymphedema garments. Available in black or beige and in Arm Sleeve (12 sizes), Glove (4 sizes), Below Knee (15 sizes), and Thigh High (15 sizes).

ExoSoft™ is our line of comfortable circular-knit gradient compression garments. Our ExoSoft™ arm sleeve rated #1 in a blind product comparison by therapists and fitters alike (view the comparison results).
ExoAnklet™ is a compression anklet that provides focused therapeutic compression on the foot and ankle for the management of lymphedema and edema. This anklet is designed to provide comfortable and effective therapy, while easily fitting into your normal footwear.