Neck Collars
Cosmac sells a large range of neck collars from brands such as Oppo, Exo, Aspen and Miami-J. Soft foam collars are for the treatment of mild cervical lesions and as a reminder not to make quick painful movements. The Cosmac Soft Foam collar is also ideal as a night support. We also sell rigid collars such as the Philadelphia collar, Exo 101 Firm Collar and Oppo rigid collars. Firm basic collars are used in the treatment of mild to moderate soft tissue damage, flexion and hyperextension, Torticollis and osteoarthritis. The more complex firm collars can be used in the application of C-Spine precaution for trauma patients, immobilisation, degenerative disorders, spinal stensosis and spondylolisthesis.
Shoulder Supports
From Oppo to Body Assist and Rehband, Cosmac sells shoulder supports and clavicle braces for the relief of sprains, strains, bursitis and tendonitis, rotator cuff tendinitis and shoulder instability. Cosmac’s clavicle braces and posture supports are used to control forward or downward displacement of the shoulders, poor posture and weak scapula muscles. Shoulder Stabilisers support and stabilise the injured shoulder.