Lower Extremity Garments
Foot to Ankle - Chevron Style (LE-AB-C)

- Intended for clients with edema and/or tissue fibrosis at the foot and ankle region
- Heel Assist Loop comes standard
- Provides enhanced ankle definition
- Combine with We’a Toe Swell Spots (SP-14) to address tissue fibrosis of individual toes
- Commonly ordered with LE-BG-C
Toes to Knee - Chevron Style (LE-AD-C)

- Chevron style channels from the toes to knee to provide bidirectional flow, medial to lateral and distal to proximal
- Heel Assist Loop comes standard
- Ideal for clients with edema and/ or tissue induration at the foot, ankle, and lower leg, and with ankle skin folds or larger ankle to calf girths
Toes to Knee - Vertical Style (LE-AD-V)

- Vertical channels from toes to knee to provide distal to proximal directional flow
- Appropriate for clients who have intact lymph nodes, but exhibit lymphatic insufficiency, edema, indurated tissue below the knee, or have proportional ankle definition
- For clients needing extra support, order an Outer Jacket for additional compression
Toes to Mid-Thigh - Vertical Style (LE-AF-V)

- Appropriate for clients who have intact lymph nodes but lymphatic insufficiency is suspected, as well as edema and indurate tissue as exhibited in primary lymphedema
- Vertical channels are recommended to direct fluid to the popliteal and inguinal lymph nodes
Toes to Groin - Vertical Style (LE-AG-V)

- Ideal for clients with edema and/or tissue induration of the leg (if the popliteal and inguinal nodes have not been damaged/removed)
- Vertical channeling provides distal to proximal gradient compression from the toes to groin
Toes to Groin - Chevron Style (LE-AG-C)

- Chevron channels provide bidirectional flow - medial to lateral and distal to proximal - which follows MLD concepts of directing fluid to the collateral pathways
- Defined foot and ankle provide enhanced definition and comfort
- Heel Assist Loop comes standard
Lower Quadrant Chap - Chevron Style (LE-AJ-C)

- Treats the full lower quadrant with bidirectional gradient compression that directs fluid to collateral lymphatic pathways
- Heel Assist Loop comes standard
- Defined foot and ankle provide enhanced definition and greater comfort
- Features a soft, flexible belt that is adjustable for maximum comfort
Chap & Half Leg - Chevron Style (LE-AJ-C & LE-EJ-C)
Pants - Chevron Style (LE-BBJ-C)

- Recommended for clients with normal flexibility and range of motion (Bilateral chaps are suggested for clients that require easier donning)
- Closely resembles running pants; Midline and lateral zippers are included on this garment, free of charge
- Please use two order forms for legs and indicate in the comments section zipper preference (proximal to distal or distal to proximal)
Pants with Foot Coverage - Chevron Style (LE-BAJ-C)

- Recommended for clients needing coverage from the toes to waist.
Special modifications may need to be made depending on the client.
If ordering for a client over 250 lbs, please include current weight, mobility limitations and call to discuss options. - TributeNight™ Measuring Videos