Extended Glove - Vertical Style (UE-AD-G)
Wrist to Axilla - Chevron Style (UE-CG)
Wrist to Axilla & Glove (UE-CG & UE-AC-G)
MCP to Axilla - Chevron Style (UE-BG)
Fingertips to Axilla - Chevron Style (UE-AG)

- Bidirectional gradient compression from distal to proximal and medial to lateral provided through advanced construction techniques. Garment allows for easy digit flexion, neutral posturing of wrist, and over 90 degrees of elbow flexion
Wrist to Clavicle - Chevron Style (UE-CI)
MCP to Clavicle - Chevron Style (UE-BI)
Fingertips to Clavicle - Chevron Style (UE-AI)
Fingertips to Clavicle & Vest (UE-AI & TT-MH)

- Recommended for fully involved patients. Garments can be attached with snap or hook and loop closures to allow patients the freedom to wear all or individual pieces
- V-neck, Round neck, Scoop neck, and Turtle neck options available; Indicate style in the comment section on the order form. Scoop neck is default option if none are chosen